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Designed to expand your consciousness
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Intentionally curated courses
Vetted by the Gaia team
Designed to expand your consciousness
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Intentionally curated courses
Vetted by the Gaia team
Designed to expand your consciousness
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Customize your learning journey with training programs and certifications tailored to Gaia member’s favorite content. Dive into world-class courses and training programs that blend ancient wisdom with cutting-edge insights, offering extraordinary opportunities for personal growth and unlocking human potential.

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    29 products
    29 products
    A montage of devices bearing a combination of people, text, landscape, and graphics, different on every device
    Food Matters Institute Nutrition Certification Program

    World-class nutrition training course that helps you transform lives, including your own.

    Gaia Members save $229.00
    A woman sitting in a living room couch with a title beside her that says Healthy Habits of the Happily Attached, The 4 Keys to Creating Secure Attachment with Katherine Woodward Thomas
    A couple in the kitchen with the man's arm upward and the woman's arm holding his hand twirling underneath
    Healthy Habits of the Happily Attached
    Katherine Woodward Thomas

    Shift the unhealthy, unconscious beliefs you’ve been operating from that have been wreaking havoc with your love life and learn to create — and sustain — happy, life-affirming and securely attached relationships.

    $297.00 Gaia Members $267.30
    Just Listed
    A Radical Awakening Course
    Dr. Shefali Tsabary

    A new journey into your most awakened self!

    $675.00 Gaia Members $607.50
    A man seated is highlighted of what looks like in a corner of a wooden pallet home, an inlay beside him with a pentagon shaped logo with geometrical lines inside. Below it bears the text, The journey of intrinsic health, a revolutionary personal health transformation journey based on the principles and protocols of Zach Bush, MD
    A close up of a mobile phone with what looks like an open application where a three lined menu is on the top left and a magnifying glass on the top right. Below them is a logo of a circle and geometric lines inside and a text beside it, The journey of intrinsic health course. Below it is a thumbnail and a click play button in the middle it with a text beside it that says Next up, Ion* origin story, introduction and usage and an arrow button pointing at the right direction. Below it says Course overview.
    The Journey of Intrinsic Health Course + 2 Year Membership (Gaia Exclusive Offer)
    Zach Bush, MD

    A revolutionary personal health transformation journey based on the foundation of community and the principles and protocols of Zach Bush, MD.

    Gaia Members save $129.70
    A woman submerged in a body of water up to her ribs, in mirror image. In the middle is an inlay of a faint graphic of circles of zodiac signs inside. A text in the middle, Inner view, a self-paced discovery of you through the stars, learn the language of astrology with ease
    A woman barefoot, smiling, and sitting on the second bottom of a stairs, her legs crossed over and her hands lay across each other, relaxed on her knees.
    Inner View: A Self-Paced Discovery of YOU Through the Stars
    Debra Silverman Astrology

    Learn how to discover your purpose, deepen your relationships, and fall deeply in love with YOU!

    $597.00 Gaia Members $537.30
    Gaia Exclusive
    Gene Keys Algorithm of Awakening Course Bundle
    Richard Rudd

    Discover everything you need to decode your Gene Keys Profile & embark on an enlightening journey of self-discovery & personal growth!

    $690.00 Gaia Members $621.00
    A simple colored background that has tarot cards and stones at the bottom with text overlay from the top, A biddy tarot program, master the tarot card meanings, understand the tarot card meanings inside and out. And further below Biddy tarot with a geometrical logo in the middle of the those words.
    A woman sitting on an outdoor couch, cross legged with a laptop in her lap and tarot cards on her left side.
    Master the Tarot Card Meanings Course
    Biddy Tarot

    Understand the tarot meanings inside & out with the world's most comprehensive tarot training program

    $297.00 Gaia Members $267.30
    A desert in the background with graphics of sun's rays. A text above says, Academy of Oracle Arts. A picture of a man in his hat, smiling is placed in the middle, bordered in a golden arch. The text below says, Ascension teachings of the Marys and the Magdalene: how humans can become angels, William Henry
    Ascension Teachings of the Marys and the Magdalene
    William Henry

    A timeline of extraordinary teachings and technologies devoted to the transformation of humans into angels.

    $288.00 Gaia Members $259.20
    A mid-shot of a woman, her head turned on her right side, looking and smiling on that direction.
    Sound Energy Healing with St. Germain Mystery School
    Elizabeth Tomboulian

    Explore the history of sound and how to use your own voice for healing.

    $360.00 Gaia Members $324.00
    Gradient colors with a text that says Personal Peace Process with a woman  on the right side, wearing a dress, both her fingers are on her temple and she has a graphic lotus in the background and foreground.
    A woman sitting at the edge of pool, cross legged in a long dress, eyes closed, palms up placed on her knees.
    Personal Peace Process Course
    Jennifer Partridge

    A 7-week Tapping program to drop your baggage and set yourself free.

    $500.00 Gaia Members $450.00
    A background of blurred neurons with a dark color scheme. A text overlay that says Neuro-somatic mindfulness foundation course and a a logo below it that's circle an arms crossed resembling a lotus flower and a leg shaped graphic which resembles a person cross legged over all
    A blurred wall made of wood as the background and a smiling man is in the foreground
    Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness: The Foundation Course
    Fleet Maull, PhD of Heart Mind Institute

    Increase wellbeing & resilience, accelerate emotional & spiritual growth, optimize life performance & enhance the quality of your personal & professional relationships.

    $397.00 Gaia Members $357.30
    Citrus fruits, whole and cut in half surround the text, the food matters juice detox in the middle
    Front view of different screens from phone to tablet to laptop, from small to bigger order. Each with different pages showing graphics, text, and images.
    Food Matters Juice Detox 7 Day Cleanse Program

    Hit reset on your body, and feel lighter, leaner, and more energized than you have in years!

    $99.00 Gaia Members $89.10
    A full text which says, The food matters, clean eating program
    On the left is a small glass bowl of what looks like an overnight oats with blueberry and granola on top on the right end is an even smaller glass filled with granola, in the middle are different kinds of monitor with graphics and texts
    Food Matters 21-Day Clean Eating Program

    Take the guesswork out of healthy eating while healing your gut, shifting stubborn weight & getting your time back in the kitchen.

    $149.00 Gaia Members $134.10
    A text that says, the lifeline technique, conscious evolution course
    A desk set up with laptop on it showing 4 split screen with people in it. Glasses on left side, earphones on the right. Books, vase, cup and pencil cup in the back.
    Lifeline Conscious Evolution Course
    Dr. Darren Weissman

    A step-by-step guide to transform stress and pain, process emotions, and evolve limiting beliefs.

    Gaia Members save $249.90
    A silhouette of a person's back appears to have a glowing colorful line that starts from his head straight to his spine, and the glow of colors spreading out in a vein like manner. A text overlay on the right side that says Vibravision, MBS - 1 bundle
    A figure of a person outstretched with with additional 4 arms and a pair of legs  who appears to be glowing placed in the middle a circular frame that of swirls of nebulas, stars, planets and other celestial elements. Geometrical patters also appears in his background.
    Vibravision Mind, Body, Spirit Bundle

    Learn an ancient secret system of boosting your inner power and connecting your mind, body and spirit.

    Gaia Members save $179.50
    A woman sitting cross legged in the grass, with her palms together over her chest, eyes closed. A text over lay, iRest yoga nidra meditation course, level 1 teacher training designed for modern day living
    iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Course
    Dr. Richard Miller & Stephanie Lopez

    Incorporate the simple yet profound 10-step iRest protocol into your life, your yoga teaching, and/or your clinical practice.

    Gaia Members save $159.50
    A woman poses in the middle her left leg stretched on the side, almost touching the floor and her right leg bent on the right side and her heel up with the front ball of her foot touching to balance. Her palms facing together in front of her chest. A text overlay in the right side says Functional anatomy, for yoga, movement, performance, and pain specialists and cartoonish half of a human's back, outlined with muscles in the side of the texts.
    Yoga International - Functional Anatomy Course
    Tiffany Cruikshank

    Understand deeper anatomy layers realistically and practically to enhance your practice and client work.

    $349.00 Gaia Members $314.10
    Two men standing side by side, smiling and an overlay text that says, your spine your yoga the course
    Multiple sizes of screens with different pictures in them of people.
    Yoga International - Your Spine, Your Yoga
    Bernie Clark & Dr. Stuart McGill

    Learn how to increase spinal stability, mobility, endurance, and well-being!

    $229.00 Gaia Members $206.10
    A woman sitting in the middle, cross legged and arms relaxed on her knees. A text overlay in the middle says Yoga and longevity, 8 secrets for a long, healthy, and happy life
    Yoga International - Yoga and Longevity Course
    Beryl Bender

    Discover how to gradually and consistently integrate longevity principles into your lifestyle.

    $299.00 Gaia Members $269.10
    A man sitting on a chair, cross legged, with his hands clasped in front of it. A text inlay in the middles says Yoga history and philosophy
    Yoga History & Philosophy
    Doug Keller

    Be a discerning explorer of yoga’s history to better understand the context in which the teachings of yoga were birthed.

    $299.00 Gaia Members $269.10
    Yoga International - Restorative Teacher Training
    Cyndi Lee

    Acquire all the skills and insights necessary to confidently practice and teach restorative yoga!

    $229.00 Gaia Members $206.10
    A blurred background of a living room with windows. A man is imposed in the overlay on the left and a text on the top right edge that says Gaia+, below Becoming supernatural an under is Dr Joe Dispenza
    A background of body of water with a small rock formation in the shore. A man on the foreground left and a text overlay below that says sing up for Gaia+, watch the becoming supernatural workshop with Dr Joe Dispenza plus all Gaia events
    Gaia+ Becoming Supernatural Program
    Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Learn the science of personal transformation, formulas for awakening your inner creator, and live as your future self.

    $699.00 Gaia Members $629.10
    A faint background of a living room with glass windows that shows trees covered in snow. A man in the left foreground stands. A text in the upper right says Gaia + and in the middle Pure Human, Gregg Braden
    A faint background of a fireplace in a living room with a great glass window that shows trees covered in snow. A man stands in the right foreground. A text on the left that says sign up for Gaia+, watch the Pure Human Workshop with Gregg Braden plus all Gaia events
    Gregg Braden
    Gregg Braden

    Discover how emerging science reveals our extraordinary potential and the dangers of replacing natural biology with artificial technology.

    $333.00 Gaia Members $299.70
    A blurred background of a carved wall. A man stands on the left with text on the upper right, Gaia+ and in the middle Remembering Humanity's Mission, Matias De Stefano
    A faint carved wall is in the background. A man stands on the right and a text on the left that says Sign up for Gaia+, watch remembering humanity's mission workshop with Matias De Stefano plus all Gaia events
    Gaia+ Remembering Humanity's Mission Workshop
    Matías De Stefano

    Piece together lost chapters of your past to shed light on your purpose and goals. Go on a journey through interstellar civilizations, ancient human priests, and vivid past-life memories.

    $333.00 Gaia Members $299.70
    A faint background of a wall with windows. A man stands in the left foreground, a text on the upper right, Gaia+ and The grand convergence, Bruce Lipton, Ph. D. in the right
    A faint background of a wall with windows. A man stands on the right foreground and a text on the left that says, sign up for Gaia+, watch the grand convergence workshop with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. plus all Gaia events
    Gaia+ The Grand Convergence Workshop
    Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D

    Through his engaging presentations, Lipton provides a hopeful perspective and actionable insights for navigating challenging times, showing how we can all play a role in shaping a more holistic and thriving future.

    $599.00 Gaia Members $539.10
    A background of long channel of river surrounded with greens and big rocks in the farther part. A text overlay says Acupressure and meridians for self-healing
    Acupressure & Meridians for Self-Healing Workshop
    Lee Holden

    A unique combination of acupressure and Qi Gong to amplify the healing effects of both practices.

    $97.00 Gaia Members $87.30
    Blue sky and few clouds in the background. A text overlay says Qi Gong for better breathing
    Qi Gong for Better Breathing Workshop
    Lee Holden

    Re-establish order in life and eliminate fatigue for good.

    $97.00 Gaia Members $87.30
    Qi Gong for Better Sleep Workshop
    Lee Holden

    Learn healthy sleep habits for improved energy, health, and longevity.

    $97.00 Gaia Members $87.30
    Qi Gong for Stress & Anxiety Workshop
    Lee Holden

    Transform stress & anxiety into inner peace, tranquility, & courage.

    $97.00 Gaia Members $87.30

    Gaia Members Enjoy 10% OFF

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    • "For anyone thinking about [The Food Matters Nutrition Certification] but feeling hesitant, I took the leap last November and joined the first ever class. Next to being a mother, this is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life (and I have a fulfilling life!) But the Food Matters Nutrition Coach journey is OUTSTANDING and we learn so much, all the time. I rave about this program to everyone I meet."

    • “Master the Tarot Card Meanings is a course that provides you with the resources and skills to learn Tarot with enthusiasm and wonder for the rest of your life. It was so much more than I ever anticipated or thought possible – and so much fun!”

    • "This experience has comforted my fierce curiosity, expanded my need for meaningful conversations and my desire for a healthy community. Being a part of this community has added more LIFE to my days and inspired me to give myself more space to just BE. I hope that more and more people will learn and lean into their own Journey of Intrinsic Health and get to know this conscious, loving and compassionate community."

      Lillian M.