Jennifer Partridge

Personal Peace Process

A 7-week Tapping program to drop your baggage and set yourself free.

What does it take to heal your life and manifest miracles?

It is in proactively diving deep, activating your self healing power, and pouring love into every. single. part. of. yourself. Especially the parts you have hidden from for years. When you do this, your life will positively uplevel right before your eyes.

Doing the inner work is not about glossing over things with some fancy visualization or affirmation. Although they can be fun, oftentimes all it does is soothe you in the moment, only to return again and again in your life.

Instead, it’s about pulling out the roots from where the limiting patterns first began. This is why EFT Tapping is so effective.

The Personal Peace Process is a step by step journey that guides you to pull out the roots of your struggle, let go of past childhood pain, release the limiting stories that have been holding you back and activate the deepest level of self love, trust, and inner power in your life.

Those stories of not being good enough, worthy, capable, ready, valuable or loveable are all massive lies and can be permanently shifted into self confidence, clarity, health, wellness, prosperity, joy and a life deeply connected to your soul’s highest calling.

It’s time to step out into the world, and claim your mastery in the Personal Peace Process.

Bring Your Healing Power to Life

A woman sitting at the edge of pool, cross legged in a long dress, eyes closed, palms up placed on her knees.

Reclaiming your sovereignty, personal power, and embodying deep love is what will transform your life and support you in becoming the most radical, expressed and embodied gift to this world.

I say this from a place of unshakable knowing, because over the past 20 years, I have healed myself from early sexual abuse, chronic disease, addiction, body, and food issues, self worth challenges, money blocks, and now live a life that dreams are truly made of.

I feel resilient, I love myself more deeply than ever and I have the confidence to guide my clients and loved ones through anything they are faced with. Because I know what it is like to look deeply into the eye of darkness and shine my light, with a roar of a thousand suns!

After radically healing my own life, now I am recognized as an authority on emotional health and high performance. I speak on stages around the world, write books, and collaborate with luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz, and many more.

I live in a true space of freedom, travel when I desire, have the comforts and lifestyle I dream of, live wherever I want, and run a business that supports thousands of people in becoming empowered healers and leaders on this planet.

My work is dedicated to supporting souls like you in making quantum leaps into the life of their dreams. I am excited to welcome you into your own personal quantum leap, where your dreams are made reality.

Your Program Curriculum

Experience Weekly Life Changing Taps & Lessons

  • Videos & Workbook - Discover and shift limiting beliefs and emotional patterns picked up between the ages of 0 – 21 and rewire your brain, nervous system and emotional body to experience deeper levels of peace and trust.
  • 90 minute Tapping Immersions - In this deep dive pre-recorded Tapping experience you are guided to release childhood blocks and limiting patterns that no longer serve your life, so that you may reclaim your power.
  • Vision Quests - Each week you are called into not only to clear your blocks around key areas of your life but to call in your greatest visions, gain clarity and precision and strength through a Vision Quest Tapping session.
  • Master Manifestor Exercises - Speed up your manifestation powers each week as you design your own visual Dream Awake Vision Board and become a Master Manifestor. It’s time to manifest your destiny.

Added benefits for joining the personal peace process!

Limited Time Bonuses

Hi, I’m Jen Partridge

If I had one message I could share with the world it would be this “the power of our love can heal anything”. My life is a testament to that. I left a world of anxiety attacks, drug abuse, sexual trauma, an autoimmune disease and discovered healing, transformation, self-worth and inner peace.

Now, I share and inspire self love to thousands of students. I created my own style of healing called Dream Awake Tapping. I have been told it is a spitting image of EFT / Tapping mixed with a dash of Tony Robbins.

My work has been featured in places like Mind Valley, The Lisa Oz Show, Gaia TV and other publications like The Chopra Center, Wanderlust, Commune, The World Tapping Summit and Thrive Market.

It would be my honor to share this journey with you.

Our Students are Making Big Changes


Before I started tapping was I was confused and scared, I’d always been very directed in my life as an actress, and now in my second career, I was lost. Working with Jen shifted it all, her approach was fresh, dynamic, loving, safe and fun and she showed me the way that helped me find my direction. This work has been my lifeline, pulling me through. So I’m setting up my life, in a whole new world, in Santa Fe, New Mexico to be of service to humanity.


I think if you’re somebody out there, really passionate about wanting to step onto your divine life path and you haven’t yet, and you’re looking for tools or you don’t know where to start and you want to start somewhere or you already have started and you want to try something else, I just think tapping is a great idea.


I think it was in one of the Tapping sessions when we were talking about physical health and I thought, oh wow, right, I’ve got this pain in my feet and let’s talk to that. Anyway, so here we are and I have no pain in my feet,and that’s kind of miraculous to me, especially since I wasn’t aiming to address that. And here I am pain free. It’s kind of amazing.


Before tapping, I had challenges around self love and self acceptance… it was very cumbersome. When I started tapping with Jen my whole world changed. My vibration rose, my consciousness expanded, and the opportunities that were probably always there for me just became more readily available.


I was going through really big self identity crisis. I was looking into the mirror a lot and I knew who I was. You know it from a very superficial point of view, but I didn’t know really who I was inside and I had this yearning to really seek out something that could really kind of give me some answers.


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Personal Peace Process Course

Personal Peace Process Course

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