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Few spots left
Tour of Ancient Peru & Bolivia
Dr. Robert Schoch & Catherine Ulissey

Are you ready for an exhilarating adventure to Peru and Bolivia that includes a rare private visit to see the Nazca Mummies?

May 24 - June 6, 2025
Peru & Bolivia
Gaia Members save $888.80
Sold Out
Sold Out
A landscape of mountains with sunset, giving a golden hour brightness in the skies with text AWAKEN Your Divinity 2 day Workshop, with two headshots of men in the foreground and a text below that says with Gregg Braden and Lee Carroll
A half adobe-like wall on the left side with grasses on top and a brick stairs in the right side going up which leads to a bungalow style structures, with trees in the front and beside the buildings
Awaken Your Divinity Retreat
Gregg Braden & Lee Carroll

A rare opportunity to participate in an up-close, in-person-only, intimate 2-day workshop.

February 22 & 23, 2025
Santa Fe, New Mexico
$349.00 Gaia Members $314.10
Pure Human Breakthrough! Santa Ana Pueblo, NM
Gregg Braden

Unlock your personal code to advanced neural networks, cell membranes and emotional intelligence!

March 28-31, 2025
Santa Ana Pueblo, NM
$999.00 Gaia Members $899.10

Gaia Members Enjoy 10% Off

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Flash Sale
Food Matters Institute Nutrition Certification Program

World-class nutrition training course that helps you transform lives, including your own.

Gaia Members save $166.00
A woman sitting in a living room couch with a title beside her that says Healthy Habits of the Happily Attached, The 4 Keys to Creating Secure Attachment with Katherine Woodward Thomas
A couple in the kitchen with the man's arm upward and the woman's arm holding his hand twirling underneath
Healthy Habits of the Happily Attached
Katherine Woodward Thomas

Shift the unhealthy, unconscious beliefs you’ve been operating from that have been wreaking havoc with your love life and learn to create — and sustain — happy, life-affirming and securely attached relationships.

$297.00 Gaia Members $267.30
Just Listed
A Radical Awakening Course
Dr. Shefali Tsabary

A new journey into your most awakened self!

$675.00 Gaia Members $607.50


  • “The experiences that I had both inside the temples and pyramids were astounding. Physical energy increases and healings that I experienced on this trip are like none before.”

    Susan P.
  • "I learned so much about not only myself but everyone around me. I learned to give permission and have compassion for the parts of ourselves that may be harder, sadder, frustrating, etc. I would recommend it to anyone who would like to have a better and clearer understanding of how each of us can relate and connect with ourselves and each other BETTER!"

    Tiffany, Inner View Course
  • “The trip was life changing for me... it was a spiritual calling to be there and the entire experience, people included, was ineffable from start to finish. Life will never be the same for me.”

    James C.