Do You Want to Build a Lifetime of Healthy Habits, Give Your Body the Reset It Needs, & Be Motivated Along the Way?
Here's a little-known secret about the quality of your health and life; in many ways, it begins in the kitchen. How you eat determines so much of your life; energy levels, ability to fight off disease, how you feel when you wake up, and the attitude you approach each situation with.
The Food Matters Clean Eating Program has been designed with you in mind. We'll teach you how to make nutritious meals from the comfort of your kitchen, help you to reset your body, and keep you motivated to ensure you complete this program.
Good nutrition is an intrinsic part of life, but it's often one of the first things to be overlooked when life gets busy. Having a defined roadmap, nutritional guide, and supportive community will supercharge your health journey to help you be the healthiest version of yourself.
The Clean Eating Program Will Help You To:
- Lose excess weight.
- Transform your eating habits.
- Boost your immune system.
- Increase your energy (big time!).
- Regain your confidence in the kitchen.
- Stop wasting your time counting calories.
- Sharpen your mind and remove the brain fog.
- Reset your metabolism and kick the cravings.
- Help to prevent chronic disease including; cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more.
What's Included in the Food Matters Clean Eating Program:
- Choose from 6 meal plans to suit your season and dietary preference.
- Weekly shopping lists to take the stress out of shopping. Learn what to buy and when, saving you time and money.
- Be inspired and learn each day with guided audio lifestyle tips.
- Join our private group of like-minded individuals on a transformational journey.
- Lifetime access.

Some of the Delicious Clean Eats Coming…
Hear What Others Are Saying About the Program
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Three Weeks From Now, You Will Be Thanking Yourself for Joining This Program.
Many people ask us, “What is the best way to eat, lose weight, and get more energy?”.
We’ve created this program to show you just how powerful nutrition can be, and how easy it is to prepare quick and healthy meals the whole family will love.
We’ve spent the last 15 years interviewing experts in nutrition, natural medicine, and mind body therapies. We've also managed to compile the greatest collection of clean eats; the most powerful foods to eat for energy, vitality, and fighting off disease. Over 15 years ago, we helped my dad heal from depression and chronic fatigue and get off six prescription medicines. The method to heal and get healthy hasn’t changed.
We believe you deserve the most out of your life. Getting healthy just got a lot easier. :)
In good health,
James Colquhoun & Laurentine ten Bosch
Filmmakers & Founders of Food Matters, Hungry for Change, & Transcendence

Frequently Asked Questions
They say it takes 21 days to form new habits, so we'll be cooking together for 3 weeks.
We recommend a good blender and spiraliser for making 'spaghetti' from zucchini and carrot.
Yes! This program is not focused on deprivation, but nourishing the mind and body with nutrient-dense whole foods. We do recommend checking in with your health care professional before making any drastic diet and health changes.
Yes! We have created the Clean Eating Program to be 100% inclusive, so you can choose from our Classic (includes small amounts of fish), Vegetarian, and Vegan meal plan options.
We're not about removing entire food groups, but this meal plan will help you to reduce some of those inflammatory foods containing dairy, wheat, gluten, and refined sugars.
While this program isn't a 'diet', removing inflammatory food groups and reducing your intake of any processed foods will help your body burn fat more effectively.
To reap the full benefits of the Clean Eating Program, we recommend abstaining from alcohol for 21 days. We strongly recommend reducing your daily coffee intake to no more than one (and drinking preferably black coffee).
Each recipe can be made in less than 30 minutes (and some will take you less than 10 minutes). Many meals can be prepared the night before or at the start of the week to save time.
While organic isn't 100% necessary, we do encourage you to buy organic where possible. Our team of Nutritionists has carefully designed this program to include ingredients that can be sourced from your local farmers’ market, health food store, or supermarket.
Disclaimer: Gaia, its staff, affiliates, and content providers are not licensed medical care providers, and, as such, are not rendering medical advice or treatment, and have no expertise in advising on, diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of any statements/treatments made within any offering on the Gaia Marketplace. You must consult your doctor before beginning any product usage, medical or dietary treatment or exercise program. The views, opinions and results expressed in any products/programs offered here do not reflect the views or opinions of Gaia, its staff, content providers or any entities Gaia represents.