Are The 78 Card Meanings Driving You Nuts?
Does this sound like you:
- “I can’t seem to commit the Tarot card meanings to memory.”
- “I try, but memorizing 78 cards is SO hard.”
- “There are so many different Tarot card meanings – I never know which is the right one.”
- “I think I know the meanings of the cards, but sometimes my mind goes blank!”
- “I still need to look up the card meanings in a book. How will I ever be able to read for other people if I always need to check what a book says?!”
If Any Of These Statements Resonate With You, Then Read On. I’ve Got Really Good News For You!

Learning Tarot Doesn’t Have To Be Hard, Complicated Or Stressful.

When you’re new to Tarot, it can seem like you have SO MUCH TO LEARN! You can drive yourself nuts trying to learn all the spreads, study multiple guidebooks, and learn “the right” meaning of each of the 78 cards in your Tarot deck!
To make matters worse, your guidebooks have different (and sometimes contradictory) card interpretations, there are a whole bunch of reading techniques, you’re getting bogged down in complex esoteric systems and language that’s more than a little “out there,” and can someone just show you how to make sense of the Tower card and the Ace of Wands, already?!
I Get It. Because I Used To Feel Like That Too.
So I Found A Better Way To Interpret The Cards (Without Memorizing Them All!)
When I First Started Learning To Read Tarot More Than Twenty Years Ago, I Kept Trying To Memorize The Meanings Of Individual Cards.
Maybe you’re trying to do that now, too.
I did everything I could think of to get the meanings to stick in my head. I tried writing out meanings. I tried flash cards. I tried ‘quizzing’ myself when I looked at a card, and then looking at my meanings book to see if I got it right.
No matter what I tried, I just couldn’t remember all the card meanings.
I felt discouraged. I felt like a failure. I felt like a fraud.
Until One Day, I Heard A Little Voice In My Head Say, “Hey Brigit, Let’s Try Something Different.”
I was so frustrated, I was willing to try just about anything!
So I slowly started to create my own way of relating to and understanding the cards. I experimented with trusting my ‘still, small voice’ within as a guide. But most of all, I let go of trying to memorize the cards, and focused on finding techniques that freed me to interpret them, using my unique inner wisdom.

The Biddy Tarot Approach
Biddy Tarot has been the world leader in online Tarot education since 1999. Our goal is to make the wisdom of Tarot approachable and accessible for all. That's why you won't find any overly esoteric teachings or cryptic messages anywhere on our site.
The Biddy Tarot Approach is a proven, practical method that helps you easily apply Tarot to your modern life. No fluffy or confusing jargon. No prior knowledge necessary. Everything you need to understand Tarot is waiting for you inside!
We demystify Tarot for over 15 million seekers per year through our courses, Certified Tarot Advisor program, and active Community. As a result, Biddy Tarot students go on to confidently read Tarot for themselves and others. Many even grow thriving intuitive businesses. We'd love to have you join us! 💜

The #1 Tarot Training To Help You Instantly (And Intuitively) Interpret The 78 Cards In A Tarot Deck Without Memorization
Enroll NowHere’s What We’ll Cover In The Master The Tarot Card Meanings Course:

You’ll Learn:
- The basic foundations of how to master the Tarot card meanings
- What Tarot is – and isn't. I bust the myths about Tarot and show you how to make the most of this intuitive tool
- How to choose your first Tarot deck
- How to get to know your Tarot deck from Day One

You’ll Learn:
- What the Major and Minor Arcana cards really mean in a Tarot reading
- The two fundamental (and easy-to-learn) systems that unlock keys to the Minor Arcana
- How to interpret the Suit of Cups and Pentacles Tarot card meanings. (And yes, we’ll explore every single card together!)
- The quickest way to learn the key themes for every Tarot card

You’ll Learn:
- How to easily decipher the symbolism within each Tarot card to access your intuition and inner wisdom
- How to tell the story within a Tarot card
- The best way to build a personal connection with the Tarot - in just 5 minutes a day!
- How to interpret the Tarot cards of the Suit of Swords and the Suit of Wands

You’ll Learn:
- How to demystify those pesky Tarot court cards once and for all
- How to know if a court card is you or someone else
- Why there are no 'bad' cards in the Tarot deck – yes, even the Tower card has its strengths!
- A powerful way to interpret 'negative' Tarot cards in a positive light

You’ll Learn:
- Why the Major Arcana cards are some of the most powerful cards in the Tarot deck
- A powerful technique to dive deep into the energy of the Tarot cards and make them your own
- How to interpret the meanings of the first 11 Major Arcana cards

You’ll Learn:
- How to interpret the meanings of the final 11 Major Arcana cards
- How the Major Arcana cards are deeply connected to one another (otherwise known as "The Fool's Journey")
- My favorite techniques for interpreting reversed Tarot cards – without the doom and gloom!

You’ll Learn:
- 7 strategies for deciphering Tarot card combinations quickly and easily
- How to read the ‘flow’ between Tarot cards or highly intuitive and powerful readings
- How to perform an in-depth 2-card Tarot reading
This Program Is Perfect For You If…
- You’ve been going nuts trying to commit the 78 Tarot card meanings to memory
- You’re still looking up meanings in your favourite Tarot books
- You want to read Tarot from your heart, in a way that really helps people
- You want to trust your intuition and just need some pointers for how
- You are READY to build a deeply personal connection with the Tarot cards
- You want to be an amazing, confident and intuitive Tarot reader
I designed this course to solve THE pressing problem I hear most often from aspiring Tarot card readers: “How can I master the Tarot card meanings once and for all and be a confident Tarot reader?”
The answer is simple – stop trying to memorize the meanings and let your inner wisdom guide your interpretations. I’ll show you how to do this, step by step, in the Master the Tarot Card Meanings Course.

What You’ll Receive As Part Of The Master The Tarot Card Meanings Home Study Program:
- Training Videos - A complete series of recorded training videos with my very best strategies and practical techniques for learning the Tarot card meanings.
- 7 Workbooks - A Workbook for each Module, filled with fun, practical assignments to help you apply what you have learned and deepen and personalise your knowledge of the Tarot.
- Tarot 101 Video Series - My Tarot 101 video series – perfect for total Tarot newbies to cover the basics before the course begins
- Bonus Meditations - Bonus meditations to connect you even more deeply to the Tarot cards and accelerate your learning
- Quizzes - Multiple-choice quizzes so you can check you’re on track with your Tarot studies
- Certificate Of Completion - Certificate of Completion when you complete the program
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Common Questions About
Master The Tarot Card Meanings: Tarot Course
Once you have paid via credit card, you’ll be emailed all the details for accessing the course online. If you can’t find the email, please check your Junk Mail folder or contact the Biddy Tarot team here. If you have paid using the payment plan, your credit card will be billed automatically each week, until the installments have been fully paid. You’ll also receive access to 1 Module per weekly installment.
I hear you – I really do. I know I have felt nervous in the past when I have made such a big investment in my future, too. But think of it this way. You could easily spend hundreds of dollars buying Tarot books or taking a local class, but you may very well still feel confused and uncertain about what the Tarot cards really mean. What I know from the students who have completed the Master the Tarot Card Meanings course is that this course WILL provide you the clarity you’re looking for. You won’t need to buy all of those books or take extra classes, because everything you need is in this one course. Plus, imagine if you were able to take what you learn in the course and apply it in a way that you could earn an income doing something you love – reading Tarot! With just 5 readings at $60 each, you have paid off the course!
Yes – test drive the Master the Tarot Card Meanings for 14 Days – 100% risk free
I want to give you the best opportunity to create a financially and spiritually abundant Tarot business. That’s why I’m inviting you to fully participate in the Master the Tarot Card Meanings program for 14 days and if you don’t feel I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll happily refund 100% of your money.
You will need to devote from 60 – 100 minutes to watch the video lessons in each module. In addition to the video lessons, you’ll also need to set aside another 1-2 hours per module for the activities and study in between. Of course, it’s up to you, but the more you invest, the more you’ll get out of it. The advantage of the home study program is that you can study and learn at your own pace.
You'll get lifetime access to the course materials.
We’ve made everything super easy to access, via the MTCM Learning Hub. You’ll find all the webinars, course materials and more, all in the one place. We’ve also got clear instructions for how to access and download everything. And if you get stuck, we are here to help. Just reach out to the Biddy team here.
I’ve already worked through Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards. Will I benefit?
Absolutely. We will cover some of the material that’s already in the Intuitive Tarot eBook, but I also like to keep things dynamic and interesting, so I’ve added even more content and activities to the online classes.
Yes. And better yet, we will cover techniques that you can apply to the Tarot cards so you can easily interpret a card on the spot.
Absolutely! That’s what the course is about – to help you build a personal and intuitive connection with the Tarot cards. What better way to get started with learning the Tarot? I’ve included a special “Tarot 101” video series especially for Tarot beginners so that you can hit the ground running before we start the formal classes. I also recommend that you work through the modules every 2-3 weeks, rather than every week, so you have some more time to get to know the Tarot cards and explore the activities in more depth.
What you’ll find is that there are some things in the course that you already know. For example, when we go through each card’s meaning or we go through what each suit means, you’ll probably have a good idea of what I’m talking about. However, this is just a part of the course content. What I want to do in this course is really focus on the different techniques that you can use to develop your own meanings for the cards and create a personal and intuitive connection with the cards. So what you might do is use the ‘theory’ as confirmation of what you already know, but then fully invest yourself in the activities and the techniques I share so that you can expand what you already know and make the cards’ meanings truly yours (that’s where the magic happens). So, in short, yes, I do think you’ll benefit particularly if you’re ready to go deeper with the Tarot cards. Here’s what one experienced student wrote about the program: “Brigit’s Master the Tarot Card Meanings was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. Although I have been working with the tarot for many years, I felt it was time to go back in and look at the cards from a fresh perspective. I learned so much from the beginners, too! I wish this course had been offered twenty years ago when I was new to the cards. I’ve already signed up for Read Tarot with Confidence!” – Linda Thompson-Mills
Yes. The techniques I’ll teach are more about interpreting the card than learning the meanings. So while I use the Rider Waite deck for teaching, you can still work just as effectively with other Tarot decks. And if you want to invest in a Rider-Waite deck, you will find it's a wonderful deck to learn with and then segue to other decks.